
· 영어공부
영어공부를 조금씩 하려고 팟캐스트중에서도 유명한 ESL 팟캐스트를 듣고 있습니다. 팟캐스트의 정식 명칭은 English as a Second Language Podcast 이구요. (참고로 과거 에피소드는 ESL PODCAST - Previous Episode 로 따로 분류가 되어 있습니다.) 운영자는 제프 맥퀄린(Jeff MacQuillan) 박사님이세요. 대머리 분이신데, 아주 유쾌하신 분이세요. ESL 팟캐스트의 구성 ESL팟캐스트의 경우 무료로 제공되고 있습니다. 1주일에 월/수/금 요일에 에피소드가 각각 1개씩 발행이 되고 있구요. 에피소드 구성은 기본적으로 1~2분 사이의 대화로 구성되어 있습니다. 대화 내용을 처음엔 아주 천천히 들려주고, 제프 맥퀄린 선생님이 영어로 다시한번 풀어서 전체 스..
· 영어공부
뭐 사과하라 그런듯하다. 노땅이라고 놀렸다고, 농담이었다고~~ 등등. Audio Index: Slow dialogue: 1:32 Explanations: 2:54 Fast dialogue: 13:09 Vera: That was uncalled for. You owe me an apology! Alvaro: Chill out. It was a joke! Vera: It wasn’t funny and it crossed the line. Alvaro: Why are you freaking out? Get over it. I was just joking. Vera: You really hurt my feelings. Alvaro: For God’s sake, I didn’t mean it. I take it ..
· 영어공부
팟캐스트 660번 에피소드는 산재관련인가요? ㅋㅋ 좀더 들어봐야겠군요. -------------- Darrelle: I just went to a seminar about work-related injuries. I really have to rethink my workspace. Kim: Work-related injuries? It’s not like we’re doing heavy lifting every day. We sit at our desks all day. Darrelle: That’s the problem. Look at how you’re slouching over your keyboard. Poor posture can cause a lot of problems over time. A..
· 영어공부
Ella grew up to be a beautiful young girl. Her stepmother and stepsisters were very jealous. They hated Ella. They made Ella do all the housework. She cleaned the floors, washed the clothes, and prepared the food. She worked hard from sunrise to sunset. Poor Ella wore only dirty clothes. She slept in a cold attic. But the stepsisters never did any work. They had warm, carpeted bedrooms. Their cl..
· 영어공부
◆영화의 UP의 첫장면입니다. 뭔츠란 유명한 탐험가가 패러다이스 폭포에서 커다란 새의 뼈를 가져왔지만 믿지 않아서 다시 실제 새를 생포하러 가는 영화뉴스?? 흑백 장면 Movie Fan News presents: Spotlight on "Adventure". What you are now witnessing is footage never before seen by civilized humanity, a lost world in South America,lurking in the shadow of Majestic Paradise Falls it's full of plants and animals undiscovered by science. Who would dare set foot on this inhos..
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